Helping paradigm-shifting leaders 

claim their power 

without sacrificing their soul.

Welcome, Leaders!

Leaders play an essential role, but not an easy one. The world we’re operating in is changing rapidly. Overwhelm and work-related stress are reaching toxic levels. Burnout is common. These conditions make it challenging for people to work well together. Leaders are being asked to do more with less. Expectations for them are high, while support offered to them tends to be low.

If you’re a leader who is longing to work with greater effectiveness, ease, and enjoyment, you’re not alone. There are many external and internal forces that can make delivering desired results challenging. Together, we’ll figure out what’s getting in your way and help you develop the capacities you need to move the dial on what matters most to you.

My Mission

Paradigm-shifting leaders have game! They’re moving the dial on change and feel called to their work. They take the responsibility of leading themselves and others seriously. They’re committed to the ongoing process of learning, healing and evolving that is necessary to survive and thrive in today’s turbulence.

My mission is to help paradigm-shifting leaders reach their full potential by shifting “FROM GRIT TO GRACE.” Acting as a sounding board and guide, I amplify a leader’s potential to produce extraordinary results while staying sustainable. 

Why Get Support?

Coaching accelerates a leader’s development. It enables significant leaps in learning and behavior change. When leaders take charge of their own evolution, the people and places around them tend to evolve along with them. This can liberate energy that has been stuck in toxic patterns of how people have been working together. Efforts to move the dial on change become more effective, easeful, and enjoyable.

If you are ready to explore if my approach is a good match for your needs, click the button below to schedule a time to talk.